Quantifiable Improvements

As a coach, our responsibility is to educate and to produce results. When we do this within a session, there is then a greater chance of acceptance by the player with any changes being made. Therefore, within modern coaching the use of technology should be present. Its use is that of demonstrating facts, knowing its limitations and applying some coaching artistry, enables very good improvements from the player. Technology and Quantifiable information combined allows a element of realization to all players of what is taking place and what needs to take place.

In the images below, the Face aim was too far to the left, big compensations were made within the swing that prevented the ball from starting on the correct starting line. Therefore to simply improve the consistency and to minimize dispersion, the face aim had to improve. This was done by a setup change and then training her eyes to see what was straighter. This was then supported by a routine and process to become more repeatable.

Simple improvements can be made and instant feedback given to the player with correct use of technology and by showing what the results were, having made changes. These changes were then supported by a series of checkpoints which the player had to complete and also constraint challenges that specifically focused on the face aim.


Putting in the Hard Work