Golf is One Giant Puzzle

Golf is like a puzzle. A puzzle is best completed when working on the edges first and the filling in the space between, from here the picture becomes clearer. Golf is very similar, once you have your own fundamentals(edges) in place you can then start filling in the golf puzzle. This comes in the form of acquiring new skills and understanding all of the peices of the puzzle that must be accounted for in order for the picture to be clear. Success within the modern game lies with an all encompassing approach to the game. To compete with the best players or to become one of the best players, you must be willing to apply yourself to improve in all areas of the game and leave no stone unturned. Using technology to guide and give factual information is pivotal in focusing your time and efforts in improving weaknesses within your game and optimizing the strengths within your game. Within your training you should be working on Strength and conditioning, flexibility, dynamic movements, technical ability, skills development, course management, nutrition, tournament preparation and practicing under pressure to name just a few. All of this is better implemented through a structured based training program that allows you to become more educated in your own development.


Putting in the Hard Work